Why has World ParaVolley introduced a bidding process?

The image and reputation of the sport of paravolley is best characterized by the quality and organizational efficiency of t PVPA’s tournaments. In order to provide interested host nations with an opportunity to develop the sport, a bidding process has been introduced.

The bidding process is a key first step in determining if an organizer has the capacity and resources to stage an event, thereby helping to eliminate any unnecessary costs. Moreover, the procedure ensures a level of fairness by guara

nteeing all interested parties have access to the same level of information – including the rules, regulations and expected standards of the international federation – at the time of bidding.

The procedures are in place to assist any potential organizer to prepare its bid and understand its obligations towards PVPA, clearly. In this way PVPA seeks to provide consistency in the way its tournaments are organized and presented, leading to a greater level of success for the organizers.

For further information and application forms to host and organize, please contact:

Sport Director: Cristiana Figueira – c.figueira@globo.com

President: Joe Campbell panamerica@worldparavolley.org


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